nasolabial folds

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nasolabial foldsnasolabial folds
  1. In clinical application of the finding , the nasolabial folds of 13 patients were corrected with remarkable early and longterm results postoperatively .


  2. She had a mini brow lift , chin reduction , Botox in her forehead and frown area as well as fat injected into her cheeks , nasolabial folds and lips .


  3. Results The improvement of the nasolabial folds were obvious according to our evaluation in 1 、 3 、 6 month after the injection .


  4. The easiest part of the aging face , bags under the eyes is not , nor is it the forehead of the deep trench , but the nose next to the two nasolabial folds .


  5. This technique has been applied in 31 patients for the correction of deep nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles . One implant had to be removed because seroma ( 1 patient ) and it had been inserted in a secondary augmentation after 30 days .
